Driloni natural Park destroyed by construction work, municipality justifies activity in the protected area

23/02/2023 21:08

The UNESCO mission of experts has categorically opposed the constructions in the the protected area in the Drilon-Tushemisht Park, on the edge of Lake Ohrid, in southeastern Albania.

But the protected area risks being damaged by a significant number of constructions that have started in the area between Drilon and the tourist village of Tushemisht.

“Remove from the Drilon Springs the tourism development project or options for construction in the agricultural fields along the springs, the construction of the Lake Museum or any other building on the surrounding hills…”, UNESCO instructed among other things.

But the concern of UNESCO seems not to have been taken into account, although Ministry of Tourism and Environment stated in a response to Top Channel that the project has been discussed with the administration of protected areas, with the municipality of Pogradec and UNESCO itself.

Meanwhile deputy mayor of Pogradec Municipality, Paskalino Zyko, denies the impact of developments on the environment.

The detailed development plan was approved by the National Council of the Territory in December 2020 and based on it, the Albanian-American Foundation for Development is implementing a project for the ‘recategorization’ of the Drilon park. In a reaction, the Foundation confirmed that it was engaged in the retraining of the area near the springs of Drilon, but denied involvement with the construction project in the spaces between Drilon and Tushemisht.

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