Drenica gang at court

06/12/2013 00:00

Today ended the first session of the Drenica Gang trial, who are accused for war crimes in Likovc, in 1998.

All 15 defendants, former KLA soldiers, heard the charges today. All of them pleaded not guilty for the charges given by the EULEX Prosecution.

The defense Lawyer of Sami Lushtaku, Arianit Koci, asked the judge panel to free his client for a few hours so that he could take his oath at the Skenderaj Communal Asembly, where he has been reconfirmed as head of this commune in the local elections of November 3rd.

The Judge Panel, Dariusz Sielicki, declared for this issue they will deicde in the next days. The next session will continue after one month.

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