Draft to change taxes, IMF request: “Taxes on lower salaries”

07/08/2015 00:00

A new project for the income tax is expected to change the current tax scheme.

The draft planned with the IMF includes the tax interest and changes it by including low wages, which have been excluded so far.

Salaries from 0 to 180.000 ALL annually will pay 5% tax, from zero that it is actually.

Ths means that the first 15.000 ALL of the salary will have a 5% tax. For salaries from 180.000 to 1.560.000 it will be 13%.

Everyone with revenues from 15.000 – 130.000 ALL will have a 13% tax. The revenues above 1.560.000, salaries above 130.000 monthly, will pay a 23% tax.

The draft allows individuals to remove 180.000 ALL monthly from the taxable base.

Sources from the Ministry of Finances admit the existence of the draft, but they say that the document is in an early phase and the tax norms are just for illustration.

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