A tense situation continued today in the session of the Albanian parliament, which was accompanied by protests from the opposition for the establishment of parliamentary investigative commissions.
Invited to the “Top Talk” program, the deputy of the democratic opposition, Ervin Salianji, stated that investigative commissions are a constitutional right of the opposition, which should not be denied.
Salianji: Investigative commissions should be granted. There is a document in progress in the European reports where it is clearly stated in black and white that it is the right of the opposition.
The interviewer Xhokaxhi reminds him that the investigative commissions “have shown to be not worth anything”.
Salianji: No, starting from the last investigation commission of the opposition, the one about the incinerators affair, was able to collect a lot of information, along with the media. From there we started of investigations for high officials, including the former number two of the government, Arben Ahmetaj.
“We demand the establishment of three investigative commissions related to the personal data of citizens and the intervention in the TIMS data system, a commission for health concessions, such as the sterilization tenders and the Check-up. As we speak today, health care has the largest budget.
Xhokaxhi asks that the conversation be limited to the tensions in the parliament: The State Budget, which is the most important, is being discussed in the parliamentary committees online. Do you think this is good?
Salianji: The damage is for those who lock themselves in toilets or rat holes to discuss the state budget. Just as Albanians celebrate with food during the holidays, these (socialists) celebrate when the state budget is approved, because that is the day when they steal the most from citizens, when they abuse the income of Albanians. According to the Constitution, online meetings can only be held in exceptional situations.
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