Opposition DP leader, Lulzim Basha, stopped today with the election campaign in the forested town of Divjaka where he talked with owners of businesses closed by the pandemic, and vowed to cancel the hunting moratorium that the socialist government has imposed in the region, calling it fake of one-sided.
Basha said that the change with the vote of April 25 is a request of all Albanian citizens, so as to close the door to misgovernment.
“The riches of Divjaka, the sweat of the inhabitants of Divjaka will be returned to you and your children, the riches that have been alienated from the owners, from the lands of Vedat to Begeti of Divjaka, everything will be returned to the rightful owners. End the monopolies and gangs that have taken the country hostage. Like many other economical aspects in Albania, Edi Rama and his gang monopolized hunting, but today I tell all members of the national hunting association that the corrupt moratorium of Edi Rama on hunting will be canceled”, said among other things Basha.
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