DP’s Bardhi accuses socialist MP of employing family members in the Prosecutor’s Office, Felaj: You became a minister with 3 months of work, it’s you who proposed the legal changes

05/06/2024 21:09

The chairman of the DP parliamentary group, Gazment Bardhi, said today during the meeting of the Laws Committee that the only prosecutor who avoided vetting is the husband of the socialist deputy, Ermonela Felaj.

“Prosecutor Bledar Valikaj, husband of SP deputy Ermonela Felaj, is the only prosecutor in the Republic of Albania who has not undergone vetting in any component. The constitution says that every prosecutor who will stay in the system must undergo vetting.

“Today, the only prosecutor in Albania is Bledar Valikaj, who has not passed the vetting system. There is also a concern that 4 members of a family have been appointed to the same institution. Here we are dealing with decision-making in a conflict of interest,” repeated Bardhi.

After Bardhi’s accusations, the deputy speaker of the Assembly in a post on the Facebook social network considered his statement ‘defamation.’

In her statement Felaj emphasizes that “since you continue to say in public that the law on the status of the magistrate was changed for my interests, the public should know that you were the only expert of your group in February 2018 who proposed the draft with the new articles that are in force today”.

“You brought it, you proposed it, but your vicious tongue licks everything that is served to it instead of all those who have built their own life and career path, not as the specialist that the party made him a minister with a total of 3 months of work in his life”, wrote Felaj.

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