The biggest opposition party will be absent this Monday in Parliament, with the start of the new session.
The seats of the Democratic Party will be empty, a stance warned by the DP leader a few days ago.
“There is a decision taken by the DP in July 10th, after a physical attack against the opposition, an act for which the DP accused Prime Minister Rama of trying to intimidate the opposition”, Basha declared.
The other decision will not change the first one. The same forces say for Top Channel that the opposition thinks that the Prime Minister’s behavior with the opposition and independent institutions has not changed.
The opposition’s absence in Parliament seems to be no surprise for the Prime Minister, who gave his version of why they were boycotting.
“There are no efforts to intimidate the opposition. The opposition has started a self-humiliating process, a self-victimization process, because they don’t have a strategy, a platform or a project. The opposition has a problem and that problem is not us”, Rama declared,
Not having enough votes to go against the majority, and having a Prime Minister who has claimed to not
“turn into the nanny of the opposition” by inviting them in Parliament or to be part of the local elections, the DP seems to be expecting a difficult political season.
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