DP votes against opening EU negotiations for Albania

08/11/2016 00:00

The Parliamentary Committee of Stabilization Association did not come
with a joint declaration in Brussels, because the Albanian opposition
voted against most of the amends proposed by the European side.

The Democratic Party insisted that the declaration should not have the paragraph in which the European Parliament asks the European Commission and the European Council to open the EU accession negotiations, not before fulfilling five main conditions.

The Democratic Party representative, Aldo Bumci, insisted that the declaration should have a request for Albanian to guarantee free and fair elections, to implement the decriminalization law and to continue fight against drug.

Bumci insisted for this request even after the government’s representative agreed to remove the text about opening the negotiations and include the request for Albania to implement the key priorities.

The Democratic Party representative, Aldo Bumci, refused a proposition of the former Minister, Majlinda Bregu, to include both requests, opening the negotiations but also for Albania to guarantee free and fair elections.

The committee members say these moments were tense and ended with the Democratic Party voting against the main amends of the declaration.

They were voted only by Democratic Party member, Majlinda Bregu, other representatives of the majority and European Parliament Members.

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