DP: Tahiri tied with gangs

19/09/2015 12:35

The opposition is not convinced by the accusations of the Interior
Minister, Saimir Tahiri, who said that the DP is tied to the drug

The last Minister of Interior of the DP, Flamur Noka, continued the accusations against the current Minister of Interior.

Noka said that Tahiri is tied to gangs, and, according to him this is proven by the accusations of a former high police officer who has been valued by the partners for his job, according to Noka.

He said that the explanation of the Minister of Interior, who said that he had sold his vehicle before it was caught with drugs, does not convince the Democratic Party. They say the Minister has given traffickers even freedom of movement.

“Tahiri didn’t give them just his car, but he had given them immunity through that car, so that their doors were open. The could do everything they wanted with the minister’s car”, Noka declared.

Same as the Democratic Party MP, Arben Ristani, one day ago, Noka reiterated that Tahiri has cooperated with the crime if he has sold the vehicle and cannot prove the transaction. The Democratic Party MP concluded his speech by reiterating his request for the resignation of the Minister of Interior and bringing him to justi, justice.

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