The Democratic Party Parliament Member, Oerd Bylykbashi, criticized the
decision of the Electoral Code for recounting only 10 ballot boxes of
Lezhe, saying that they have been pressured by the Socialist Party.
Bylykbashi declared that the College did not see it reasonable to recount all the Lezhe District votes, despite the evidence that the Democratic Party had made available, which, according to Bylykbashi, proved the vote manipulation.
“The duty of the College was to guarantee transparency for all Albanians, but they chose to read the request under the pressure of the Socialist Party”, he declared.
Bylykbashi added that the Democratic Party is determined to go to the end of the process and bringing to justice those who changed the vote.
“Every law violator will face justice, Commissioners and counters alike. Everyone who has been pressuring others will face justice. We will send our lawsuits at the Prosecution and thankfully the code is harsher for this act”, Bylykbashi declared.
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