DP-SP find conesensus for Special Prosecution law

30/09/2016 00:00

The hot debate on waste import didn’t stop political parties to find
consensus on the new Special Prosecution Against Corruption (SPAC). The
Democratic Party returned to the Parliamentary Commission of the Justice
Reform and declared their vote in favor of the law for the next week.

The final and agreed variant of one of the most important laws of the justice reform, the one for SPAC, regulates the functionality of the Special Prosecution, the National Bureau of Investigation and Special prosecutions that carry the responsibility for fighting organized crime and corruption in high levels.

“The draft laws are ready for the plenary session of this Thursday”, said Vasilika Hysi.

The consensus of the law drafted in collaboration with US partners returned the opposition to the Commission too.

“This is a huge success for the fight against corruption”, said Oerd Bylykbashi from the DP.

Two weeks ago the opposition raised the concern that the law allowed the government to influence or control the appointing of judges, prosecutors of SPAC employees. This article, according to the opposition, was against the Constitution.

“Those anticonstitutional articles allowed the government to politically capture important instruments, with Edi Rama appointing the investigation and judiciary institutions that would put the Prime Minister and his Ministers under investigation”, Bylykbashi added.

The law for SPAC is the only one out of six in total that will pass under consensus on October sixth.

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