DP responds to Lleshaj: You, Rama and the criminal minority in the State Police are the shame of Albania!

19/05/2020 16:09

The opposition DP has reacted after the statement of the Minister of Interior, Sander Lleshaj, who did not spare accusations against it after the demolition of the National Theater.

“There have been some isolated hawks these days, who have made the police their target, forgetting that it does not decide, neither for the construction nor for the destruction of the buildings. There were some of them who did not even spare the cowardly hand to hit the girls and boys of the police”, had said Lleshaj in his statement.

DP representative Gazmend Bardhit responded: “It is a fact that at the National Theater demolition the police behaved like occupying hordes. It is a fact that the police were armed, with the scenario of armed terror of the people in defense of the Theater in mind. It is a fact that people wearing police uniforms did not have police identification symbols. These are not the State Police, but the same people, soldiers of criminal gangs, who planted with cannabis the whole of Albania. But thankfully they are a minority, just as Edi Rama and his government are today.”

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