DP representative says that the opposition will continue with violent protests in the assembly

12/01/2024 15:50

Gazment Bardhi, after the meeting of the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Party, expressed his determination to continue the protests in the parliament hall, like those that have often interrupted developments in recent weeks.

Although former Prime Minister Sali Berisha is under house arrest for a corruption case, the opposition faction led by him says it will continue with the plan to create chaos in the Parliament.

“Definitely the opposition is protesting and will continue to do it. This will also happen on Monday. Monday’s session is, the speaker comes to greet you, with you a happy new year. That’s the gist of the session. If there are other issues, of course we will discuss them”, said Bardhi.

After the PM Edi Rama expressed his intention to secure 84 votes to vote the laws that require an absolute majority in the Assembly, Bardhi said that the supporters of Lulzim Basha cannot vote for Rama’s laws that harm the opposition.

“I am fully convinced that most of the colleagues who have aligned themselves with the Basha group in DP, are good oppositionists. They cannot vote for Rama’s laws that harm the opposition and give him victory at the table. We been through it once in 2020. Therefore, that unilateral change stopped the political rotation in 2021 with anti-democratic means. A part of those colleagues will have to act so that Basha and others do not serve as the corporation of 2024”.

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