The Democratic Party refused the appeal of the majority for appointing
the members for the Directing Council of the Public Radio-Television,
and the members of the Audiovisual Media Authority, both institutions
that have been in a long stalemate for one year, and that cannot
function due to the end of legal amends.
MP Luciano Boci said that this was a capture of this institution by the majority, and that the Democratic Party will not be part of the Media Commission for appointing the members of the Directing Council at AMA and the Public Television.
“The opposition has requested to complete the three vacant positions for more than three years, but the only purpose of the majority was to remove the Head of the Institution”, Boci declared.
The Vice Chairman of the Media Commission, Alfred Peza, declared that this is an emergency situation and both institutions should be complete as soon as possible.
“The opposition must understand that it is urgent for AMA and RTSH to turn functional, because these institutions have been unable to take decisions for the past years”, Peza declared.
The opposition declared that they are decided to continue the political boycott, by accusing the majority of capturing the media regulation institutions.
“We appeal the majority to keep calm and implement the law for the media. The opposition cannot be part of the Rama-Meta farce. They want to take the regulatory institutions under their authority, to use them for their interests and for their clients”, Boci declared.
The vice chairman of the Media Commission says that there is a legal solution for which have been informed all international institutions that helped with the audiovisual media law.
“We had a non-official negotiation with the opposition in June and July. Mr.Boci knows this very well. We will not change the rights for which we had an agreement that couldn’t become official, because the opposition boycotted the Parliament. We will chose two members and one seat will be given to the opposition, as they are entitled to by law. Then we will continue with the plenary session to appoint the new AMA director”, Peza declared.
The Media and Education Commission will gather this Wednesday to continue with the procedure for filling the vacancies at the RTSH and AMA. The majority says that the delay of this process will postpone the digitalization process of Albania, which is June 2015.
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