DP: Rama steals public assets for his friends

02/05/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party has reported a corruption scheme, which, according
to them, proves the greed of Edi Rama and the oligarchs in power.

Dhurata Cupi, vice leader of the Local Government Department, asid this is related to the appropriation of public assets, thousands of square meters of property taken for the clients of the corrupted government led by Edi Rama.

“The first case is the giving away of Kaseli, the former enterprise of tires; the former NPV and the former Tube Factory. 10 thousands square meters in the middle of the city of Durres are being taken away by the servant of Rama, who is building the illegal concrete for Veliaj at the Artificial Lake”, said Cupi, who showed the government decision.

She said that the second case is about the 52.000 square meters in Elbasan, with the former State Reserves that go to Luca and Rozafa.

“The third case, the most privileged by all, is Kokedhima in southern Albania, who is aiming for the best properties of our coastline. He has started with a property owned by the Ministry of Defense in Lukova, where one object with 2135 square meters, very favorable for tourism, is being given to him. This property will turn into a private business that will produce money for Kokedhima. This is the government decision”, Cupi said.

According to him, Edi Rama is dividing among oligarchs the forests, public assets and lands without any transparency and.

“For the past three years, no decision has been issued for passing public assets to the local unit. Three years that the former owners have not taken back any piece of land. The richness of oligarchs only gets bigger. This is the corruption that makes Rama rule and steam millions of Euros in every direction. This is why Albania is facing economic difficulties, fewer jobs, less consumption and investments. There is only more poverty and misery”, Cupi said.


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