“Without making any investment, without schools, roads, hospitals, with raised taxes, he is still taking loans to pay a loan. Rama took a loan to pay a loan that he took four years ago and that he used for luxury travels, palms and pine trees”.
This is the reaction of the Democratic party MP, Jorida Tabaku, after news broke out that Albania issued a 7 year Eurobond in international markets.
“This January, Macedonia entered the market for an Eurobond with an interest rate of 2.75%. Montenegro did it in April with an interest rate of 3.37%. Albania received it with 3.55%, while there is a hidden debt through the PPP projects, which would take the national debt to 82%. Our economy is slowed down by monopolies and the future of our citizens, who live with 600 ALL a day, is darker than ever. The economy can be freed by removing monopolies and when the budget is not used as a personal property. The economy can be freed when everyone in the market gets to have a chance. The economy is freed by a flat tax and deregulations for small businesses. This is the offer of the Democratic Party”, Tabaku said.
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