DP: Rama ordered violence in Parliament

11/07/2014 00:00

The Democratic Party returned to the physical confrontation of yesterday
in Parliament between three MPs, Gent Strazimiri from the DP and Arben
Ndoka and Pjerin Ndreu from the SP, saying that transparency is
necessary to understand how the Prime Minister, Edi Rama, has ordered
this attack, after being accused by Strazimiri of getting MPs with a
criminal past.

“By order of Edi Rama, Mrs.Xhacka, a Socialist MP, asked Mr.Strazimiri to mention the names of the MPs with a criminal past. Strazimiri answered to Xhacka by telling her he knew about the task left to her by Edi Rama through SMS-es. Right after this, Rama ordered Arben Ndoka and Pjerin Ndreu to physically attack Strazimiri. By implementing his order, Ndoka and Ndreu hit and threatened Strazimiri’s life. The DP reports that a violence infrastructure is being established in Parliament to hit and threaten the opposition MPs everytime they hold stances that don’t like to Edi Rama”, declared the DP Spokesperson, Laura Vorpsi.

The DP asked Prime Minister Rama to answer about the past of the two MPs that were involved in the physical clash with Strazimiri.

“Rama moved two women candidates from the list to allow Arben Ndoka in Parliament. Our public question to him today is about the past of this MP, how many years has he been sentenced in Italy for traffic, and what is the past of Armando Prenga, and for what has he been prosecuted by the Italian police”, Vorpsi declared.

The Democratic Party said that Rama’s stance in Parliament legitimized violence and threats against the opposition, while the silence of the Parliament Speaker is considered as part of the plan.

“Rama took care to equalize for the media the courage of MP Strazimiri to report the cowards that lose their mind and make physical attacks when crimes are mentioned. The Democratic Party is more determined than ever to continue every day the battle and report publicly the criminal connections of this government and of the Rama-Meta duo for the sake of the European future of Albania and for protecting the interests of the citizens”, Vorpsi declared.

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