The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, thanked the participants in
the meeting and declared for the media that the protests showed that the
removal of this majority is the only way for bringing the country out
of the crisis.
“I want to thank every Albanian citizen who were part of this protest, from Tirana and the entire country. They were part of the biggest protest ever made since the first years of democracy. I want to thank everyone who joined us to point our finger to the Rama-Meta duo, for all the evil that has fallen upon our country”, Basha declared.
“With this peaceful protest, the Albanian people showed to the Rama-Meta duo, who tried to make everyone be alarmed, that the only ones who are scared today are Rama dn Meta. They closed the Parliament in panic, as never before in the history of these 25 years. Albania told Ilir Meta yesterday to resign and let justice do its job for the assassination plot against two Parliament Members. Albania asked Edi Rama to stop pressuring the Prosecution, to stop cooperating with the assassination plot, otherwise he will be forced to leave”, the DP leader underlined.
“The Albanian people, massively and full of enthusiasm, embraced the need for the new offer, where the citizen controls the government and not vice versa. The new offer is coming. It is being prepared each day through our communication with the citizens. The new offer is coming with the citizens, from the citizens, for the citizens”, Basha declared.
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