DP: Nine economic requests to the government

24/11/2014 00:00

After the protest of November 22nd, the opposition sees no signal that
the government will hear or resolve the citizens’ problems.

“The Albanian Prime Minister didn’t leave the bunker of Enver Hoxha even after the protest. He saw the revolt of a people as an attack from internal enemies. He doesn’t speak about reflecting, about solutions, but he simply throws more fuel to the fire with his offenses and arrogance”, declared the DP leader, Lulzim Basha.

To stop what they call “the path of the evil”, the Democratic Party made nine concrete requests for stopping a further deterioration of the economic and safety situation. The requests change the budget and the fiscal package, since the DP demands lowering the government spending and increasing the public spending, while everything else is based on lowering taxes and energy price.

“The government should stop any effort for increasing the energy price, and should immediately cancel the request.
The government should remove VAT on electricity for the unemployed, retired citizens, farmers and poor families.
The government should stop raising any tax, excise or fee for the next year.
The government should reduce with 10% the maximal taxation level;
The government should stop illegal and selective attacks against the properties of Albanian people.
The government should keep their promise for free legalization.
The government must reduce government spending and use them for supporting public and social spending.
The government must cancel the increased fee in universities and return to cost to the students affected by the pseudo-reform.
The government must return the State Police to their duty”.
These were Basha’s nine requests.

According to Lulzim Basha, Rama has turned into the main problem of Albanians after one year and a half in power.

“Mr.Prime Minister, keep the promises for which the people gave you the vote. You have turned into the biggest burden of this country’s citizens. Reflect or leave”, Basha declared.

What will the opposition do if Prime Minister Rama will not change his course?

“If the Prime Minister is determined in his path of arrogance and, irresponsibility, failure, wrong-doing and ignoring of problems, the popular protests will never stop but will be even more powerful, until our objectives are reached”, Basha underlined.

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