DP leader supports candidate Redi Saraci in Shijak

03/06/2015 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, met with the Shijak citizens
and appealed them to vote the DP Mayor candidate, Redi Saraci.

He said that Rama and Meta are making shows throughout Albania to shift attention from the real problems. Basha promised that every vote will be turned into labor and help for the citizens.

Citizens expressed their concerns about the high taxes, higher energy price, lower buying power, tabs of unpaid food bills in corners shops and damage caused to the produce by mice.

Basha declared that the platform of the Democratic Party is the best to bring citizens out of this situation.

He promised to remove VAT on food products, imposing the lowest flat tax in Balkan, reducing the oil price to the same level with the other countries of the region, returning families to the welfare system who were removed unjustly, and opening new jobs.

Basha visited the famous painter Agim Faja, while being accompanied by the Republican Party MP, Agron Duka.

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