DP leader from Berlin: “We will turn Albania into a decent European country”

28/01/2017 00:00

The Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, met with several
high-representatives of the German Parliament (Bundestag), including
Gunther Krichbaim, Chairman of the European Matters; the Chairman of the
Commission of Economoy and Energy, Andreas G. Lammel; the Chairman of
the Commission for Preventing Crises, Thorsten Frei, and the Political
Chairman of the majority CDU-CSU, Joachim Falenski.

The DP says that the main topic of discussion were the conditions that Albania needs to fulfill for starting the accession negotiations, from the implementation of the Justice Reform, to concrete results for the fight against organized crime and drug traffic. “Especially free and fair elections would convince the Bundestag to start the accession negotiations”, DP says.

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