DP: “Italian letter deepens surveillance scandal”

20/05/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party says that the letter sent by the Italian
authorities for the Prosecutio General not only don’t close the
surveillance case, but deepens the scandal even more.

“The letter confirms that the equipment has entered Albania illegally, without being registered in the customs and without informing the Prosecutor General”, said the General Secretary of the Democratic Party, Arben Ristani.

This is enough to reinforce the conviction of the opposition that it has also been used illegally by Minister Tahiri and his dependants.

The Democrats say that another fact, according to them, are the contradictory declarations of the Chief of the State police and the former Italian Chief of Police.

Ristani invites the Prosecution to investigate the case and says that the investigations have met obstacles set by Minister Tahiri and Chief of Police Haki Cako.

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