The initiative of the Democratic Party for banning communist
dictatorship symbols has not been foreseen as a special law, but as
amends of the criminal code, which punish anyone who uses them.
Enkelejd Alibeaj, who leads this process, tells why this initiative is going to serve the Democratic Party.
“This is important for making a purification of the social memory and for not having it repeated in the future”, Alibeaj declared, as one of the persons who suffered the communist persecution.
“2-3 months ago Italy approved laws that ban usage of Nazi and Fascist symols”, Alibeaj said.
For a more complete operation, the Democratic Party will cooperate with Germany, who have banned and punish Nazi related crimes.
“If there are facts, and if the victims are still alive, then they should be punished by the criminal code”, Alibeaj declared.
But the initiative has not received the consensus of the Socialist Party. “I don’t know if they will give the votes or not. We will fight with an argument. This is a division from the past. It will prove if the Albanian politics still has the moral for something that everyone suffered in that time, and not just a few”, Alibeaj declared.
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