DP holds national convention

30/03/2013 00:00

The Democratic Party held today its national convention. Prime Minister
Sali Berisha promised to increase the number of new jobs, to increase
salaries and investments in the next four years.

 Employment has been the strong point on which Berisha was focusing, promising that the Albanians should trust their votes to the DP, since this party can resolve this problem.

“I want to greet the unemployed men and women who follow the convention, hoping that we will resolve their major problem. I guarantee you today tat the DP, the government; the Prime Minister of Albania will do everything possible for their employment, in order to create new jobs. Employment and better wages are the biggest goal of every reform and effort made by the DP”, Berisha decalred.

Promising to do everything for the new jobs, Berisha asked the citizens vote, promising that the program will multiply the employment and investments.

“The unemployed must trust Sali Berisha and the Democratic Party. You must trust in your vote, because in these years we have made every sacrifice to keep our promises. You must trust us, because four years ago Berisha promised 160.000 jobs and we created 200.000”, Berisha declared.

“On the peak of the crisis, the biggest expert in the world declared that Albania was able to face the crisis. Albania is among the top 20 countries for investments and tax freedom”, the PM declared in the speech that also presented some points of the DP program for the next four years.

“In these eight years we invested 12 billion USD, which converted into jobs and salaries. In the next four years we will invest more than 2.3 billion USD. At least 2 billion USD will be invested with the construction of TAP. My appeal to the Albanian citizens today is to vote the program that brings jobs and investments. You will vote for yourself and the European Albania”, Berisha delcared

The Parliament Speaker, Jozefina Topalli, didn’t hide her excitement when she mentioned in her speech hundreds of thousands of new jobs, thousands of constructed schools and an economy that has grown with a maximal pace.

“We think that the possibilities for new jobs for young people are there. We promise that every one will have a deserved job with a good salary. That’s why we created 200.000 new jobs”, Topalli declared.

“We have paved thousands of kilometres of national and regional roads which help Albanian farmers to sell their goods in Eruope. We have built 1300 schools and equipped them with internet and new technology”, dclared the Parliament Speaker, focusing then on economy.

 “Albania should be the right country to create a business, and that’s why we have undertaken economic reforms. Our economy has grown with 33% since 2005. We will create more facilities and will lower taxes for businesses. We will do everything”, she declared.

MP Astrit Patozi accused the opposition of trying to block Albania’s development, saying that Rama voted against the laws which lowered taxes for 220.000 Albanians who are paid less then 30.000 monthly. Patozi added that DP has doubled salaries for teachers and nurses, and that Rama lies.

Minister of Integration, Majlinda Bregu, continued this line and declared that Rama is responsible that Albania didn’t receive the EU candidate status.

The Mayor of Tirana, Lulzim Basha, reiterated Albania’s need for Prime Minister Berisha. “Rama wants only political conflict. We don’t need conflict, but Berisha”, Basha declared.

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