DP gives message: Rama and Meta, rsign! After speech, protesters leave square peacefully

12/03/2015 00:00

The Democratic Party has demanded the resignation of Ilir Meta and Edi
Rama, who they considered a gang of oligarchs who want to fill their

The leader of the biggest opposition party, Lulzim Basha, declared that he is reinforcing the request of the Albanian people, who, according to him, want Meta to resign and have even fired him.

“Albania and the entire world saw that the image of united Albanians made Meta leave his duty. We are all united in this protest to ask Rama and Meta to leave their duty. The Albanian people expected more jobs and safety, but different from what had been promised, they have found more unemployment and more insecurity”, declared Lulzim Basha

By mentioning the Doshi case, the opposition leader declared that “insecurity, dynamite and crime have threatened the Albanian citizens. The only responsible for this are Rama and Meta, the gang of Ilir Meta, Edi Rama and Saimir Tahiri want to have free hand and have taken the control of the Albanian territory. According to Basha, the accusations come from the person who was considered their closest person, referring to Tom Doshi.

For this reason, as he has done for each day since the start of this issue, the opposition leader accused Rama, Meta and Tahiri, “who hid the truth about this case and now they are trying to blame the opposition for it”, Basha declared.

According to Basha, “this took place because the ‘godfathers’ didn’t agree for heir shares. He appealed the Prime Minister to stop the pressure against the Prosecution and the judiciary, and allow the institutions to solve this case independently and quickly”.

“We appeal Edi Rama to stop the brutal pressure against the Prosecution. He should stop doing the Chief Prosecutor and the Chief Judge for the macabre crime that was reported by his closest MP. He must answer to the judiciary and the Prosecution for hiding this crime for six months”, Basha declared.

Basha said that the unification of the people showed that the Rama-Meta government has morally allen.

“We will stay together until we have victory. We will always be here until our country is liberated from crime”, the Democratic Party leader declared.


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