DP: Farmers abandoned by government

08/04/2016 00:00

The Secretary for Civil Action at the Democratic Party, ervin Salianji,
met with the Berat farmers today and promised that the DP will discuss
their problems to every forum.

He accused the government and PM Rama of abandoning farmers to favor a small group of oligarchs.

“You can feel the abandoning of the government of all areas in Albania. We have visited almost the entire territory and the problem is that the government doesn’t come as we are coming today. We are not coming for promises, but to listen to you and raise your problems in institutions, parliament, media. So that they can come and give your compensations for the floods, rather than continuing with criminal behaviors so that merchants benefit more than you who work every day. This is a state for Rama who has 200 million EUR to make villas in Surrel, Meta and his gangsters around him. They will receive the tenders otherwise where will they get the money to pay criminal gangs?”, Salianji declared.

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