DP demands resignation of Speaker Gramoz Ruci

11/01/2018 14:19

The Democratic Party Parliamentary Group leader, Edmond Spaho, demanded for Speaker Gramoz Ruci to be removed from his duty, for conducting the oath taking session of the Provisory Prosecutor General, Arta Marku.

“In these conditions, when the Constitution is violated and institutions are delegitimized, the first step for bringing normality to Parliament is having the Speaker to resign, due to his role on the session of December 8th”, Spaho said.

He declared that the opposition will have a conditioned relation with the Parliament.

“We have declared that as long as the Constitution is violated, the institutions will no longer be legitimized. Hence, the relation of the opposition with the parliament will be conditioned and we will not allow the Parliament as if it is in normal conditions”, he said.

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