The Democratic Party will be part of the judiciary reform, if they will
have an equal number of representatives at the Special Committee, and
lead it together with the majority.
“The opposition will present its representatives as soon as the Parliament passes the draft-decision that will allow us a full functionality at the Special Committee for the Judiciary Reform”, says the DP request.
According to the DP, the current consistence of the Commission undermine the chances for a long-term, constructive and consensual cooperation between the political parties,
The majority has not given any answer to this request of the Democratic Party, at least not publicly, not even in the meeting behinds closed doors at the Conference of Chairmen.
“The request will be reviewed based on the rules, in a future meeting of the Conference of Chairmen, and then we can take a decision”, declared Edmond Spaho, Democratic Party MP.
The parties have agreed to establish a joint commission for implementing the December Agreement, which will treat three issues: decriminalization, implementation of the Constitutional Court decisions for the Investigative Commissions, and that of the Public Administration.
“We agreed to establish a Commission which will review the three cases. The Commission that will be led by the opposition will have seven members”, Spaho declared.
Besides the equality in the decision-making at the Commission for Judiciary Reform, two other decisions are expected by the Conference of Chairmen, and two other initiatives from the Democratic Party: the draft law for the circulation tax and the reduced VAT for energy.
Mr.Spaho warned the government from the Democratic Party headquarters: “Today he (Rama) has two draft law on his table, which could bring normality back to our country, would reduce the oil and energy price for the economy and families. The government must reflect before it is too late, otherwise citizens will take the future on their own hands, will defend their families from the unstoppable and destructive course of Edi Rama, and will face the biggest protests our country has ever seen”.
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