The opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, accused the government of having a
drastic lower collection of revenues for the first six months. When the
budget will be reviewed, investments will be cut and there will be more
“This money will be removed by the investment budget of roads and schools, hospitals and kindergartens. This money has been stolen. It will be replaced by removing money from the compensation of the categories in need, the compensation of the former owners and former prosecuted people, and because the money they were to be paid with have been stolen”, the DP Director declared.
Lulzim Basha blamed Prime Minister Rama not only for the high level of corruption and contraband, but also for defending evasors.
“On behalf of the public opinion, I want to ask the Prime Minister: Where is the 150 million USD that is missing from Customs in these six motnhs? Where is the 50 million USD of cigarette smuggle, with 800 tons every six motnhs? Who is responsible? We appeal the Proesecution to bring those who are respnsible to court,. The news of ourneighboring countries have shown evidence for this agreement. Who keeps them? Who hides them? In whose drawers were these documents blocked?”, Basha declared.
The opposition leader, accused for the delayed investigations of the virgin oil, another scandal reported months ago. According to Basah, hundreds of thousands of tons of oil were mixed with the fuel that citizens are using for their vehicles.
Convinces that some of this money that is missing has been used to buy votes for June 21st, Basha said that the opposition will do everything to report corruption with every means.
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