DP challenges “Vetting” Law at Constitutional Court one day after entering in effect

21/09/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party decided to challenge the Vetting Law at the Constitutional Court.

The opposition sees this institution as the last hope for stopping it, saying that it gives government enough power to use political control on institutions that will decide in the future for the integrity of judges and prosecutors.

Although the opposition says that the Constitutional violations are flagrant, Oerd Bylykbashi doesn’t see it as a simple issue. He says he fears government interference to Constitutional Judges. According to him, this is why the Venice Commission is the right solution for the Constitutional Court.

“The Vetting law has problems with the Constitution. We studied all aspects we could challenge at the Constitutional Court. We believe it will not pass the test. We expect PM Rama, who has his hands on the Constitutional Court and the Vetting Law, to pressure the Court to not reject the law. The only purpose of this law is to take control of the judiciary. The Venice Commission has not seen this version that was approved, and the Constitutional Court may request the opinion of Venice. There are precedents, like the property law, when we demanded an opinion from the Commission for this law. The process is complex, but the most important thing is that if the Vetting law stays like that, it will be a degenerated process and a political controlling of justice”, Oerd Bylykbashi said.

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