DP, Boci: “Rama blackmails “Excellence Youth” members to SP membership

29/03/2016 00:00

The Democratic Party MP, Luciano Boci, accused the Albanian Prime
Minister, Edi Rama, of treating the public schools as party
organizations, and of brutally asking pre-university youth of becoming
part of the SP, through illegal blackmailing letters.

The letters Boci  claimed were shown in a conference room. He identified the students who received them for a quick membership, with “the delirium of a heavy-minded ruler”, he said.

Boci defended the students with excellent results, saying they reached it with hard work. He accused Rama of slowing them down by forcing them to be part of “his organization of traffickers, pimps and thieves”.

“We appeal the young members to throw this blackmail of Edi Rama in the garbage. The freedom of choice in this country was reached with blood and sacrifice. It cannot be touched by anyone. The best of the Alanian students have another course in their lives, that of the better Albanian and European values, that of fair competition and individual dignity”, Boci said.

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