DP: Blushi’s incident, not political

21/04/2011 20:20

Incidents keep happening in the city of Korça. The car of the Socialist Party deputy, Ben Blushi, was attacked by unidentified persons who threw stones at it.

The Police was able to find this morning the stones that were thrown, while local SP leaders declare that the incident is connected to the electoral campaign. The incident happened after a meeting that Blushi attended in Korça in support of SP candidate Niko Peleshi. SP officials say that the incident is political.

“This is a clear political action, because it took place right after an activity held in Korçë. Blushi has never had any personal problem with any individual here. I appeal to our political opponents to distance themselves from this action and to condemn it”, declared Korça Socialist Party leader, Muharrem Meko.

The Korça Police department reacted and informed that police forces have immediately investigated the scene in order to shed light on the motives and also to identify, locate and bring the authors to justice for the criminal act of “private property destruction”.
Meanwhile, Democratic Party representatives have rejected SP insinuations saying that the incident has no political background, but has been caused by Blushi himself.

“More than any other time, Korça needs concrete solutions and not tensions. We are against any event that would create tension during the campaign”, declared Johana Bici, Spokesperson of the DP candidate.

“DP asks once again the police to catch and bring to justice the authors of this act. This action has no political background, but has been encouraged by the SP deputy himself, who is trying to recuperate the destroyed image. We invite the citizens to not fall for these lies similar to those of Haxhi Qamili”, said Ada Stefa, Spokesperson for Korça DP.

Korça Police says that they have no information regarding the version offered by Korça DP leaders.

“We are investigating all possible leads of this incident”, they said, adding that they have no information or motive to believe if this event has a political background or not.

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