The Democratic Party PR Secretary, Grida Duma, denounced this Tuesday an
affair she says incriminates the Health Minister, Ilir Beqaj.
“Intech Plus of Ilir Beqaj was not satisfied with millions of Euros of concessions from the health industry – which were not made for itizens, but for clients – now Beqaj is still receiving hundreds of millions of ALL with his Intech. This year, the company established by Beqaj has received 320 million ALL for a service on account of the Foreign Ministry. Beqaj, the champion of corruption in health, is also going for the building in the other side of the road. Fastech is only a cover for the money that are being received by the company owned by Beqaj”, Duma said.
Duma said that “authorities have regulated everything so that they can enter as unified operators, or that the money goes to Fastech and then the sale books show that the work has been carried out by Intech”.
“The money goes to Beqaj, in the end. We must remember that for 2015, the Intech of Beqaj received 11.2 billion ALL from the Albanian citizens”, Duma said.
According to her, this is a shocking corruption that is filling the bank accounts of government leaders and is plunging the people in misery.
“This corruption brings poverty and misery, unemployment, crisis, taxes, and the luxury of the Prime Minister and of his oligarchs is getting bigger each day”, Duma added.
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