The parallel committees of the Democratic Party, which is boycotting the
Parliament, opposed the increase of fines for drivers, as proposed by
the Ministry of Interior.
The Democratic members of three commissions (Laws, Security and Producing Activity) declared that the propositions will not improve the safety situation on roads, and their only goal is to fill the government’s budget, turning the police into a tax office.
“The fines reach 1/3rd of the per capita GDP. If an Albanian driver commits a traffic violation, like not using the sea belt or violating a red light, he must stay 100 days without eating food. This is unacceptable”, declared the Democratic Party MP, Florion Mima.
“No European country has fines equal to the minimal salary”, says MP Flamur Noka.
For the DP, the increased fines will bring another problem.
“This allows for more abuse and corruption from the law enforcing institutions”, declared MP Oerd Bylykbashi.
“It will increase corruption. We have been dealing with fine administration for 23 years, and we have seen that corruption increases every time that fines are raised”, Mima declared.
The DP accused the Interior Ministry of using the police for favoring their clients, by forcing drivers to buy medical aid kits.
“Police officers are fining drivers even for not having the green vests. Maybe some company related to the government is selling them, and that’s why the entire Ministry of Interior and State police are fining citizens to buy them at this company”, Noka said.
The former Interior Minister said that this decision proves what Rama has declared, according to him.
“Rama said ‘you haven’t seen anything yet’. It seems that we will have even worse’”, Noka declared.
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