The Democratic Party could not stay to the end of the first meeting of the Parliamentary Commission for the Judiciary Reform.
The opposition said the agreement was broken by the majority, because they wanted to vote today the three documents produced after eight months of work with the foreign and domestic experts.
The DP requested to not vote the Reform Strategy document until the end of August, when they would have brought their propositions.
Above all, there has been no public consultation for the final document. The Chairman of the Commission, Fatmir Xhafaj, proposed the approval in principle, but the opposition asked foreign opinion.
The EU representative of EURALIUS and the US representative of OPDAT said the document could be voted today and the opposition’s propositions could be taken in consideration when the concrete draft of the laws has started.
However, the opposition considered the voting of the strategy a violation of the agreement. The majority voted the Strategic Document in Principle and left it open to be modified.
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