A few hours after Tom Doshi left the Prosecution of Serious Crimes,
where he gave another declaration for the investigations, the Democratic
Party MP published another request on Facebook, addressed to the group
of Prosecutors who are investigating the accusations raised by him.
Doshi addressed his request to Prosecutor Adnan Xholi, whom he asks to administer as evidence the footage showing Spartak Braho and Nard Koka traveling to Hanover, Germany, where they have met with Fatjon Skenderaj.
“Trusted sources told me that Spartak Braho, Chairman of the Security Commission at the Parliament, and citizen Nard Koka, have traveled on March 6th to Hanover, Germany, to meet with Fatjon Skenderi, the mediator for the assassination of two Parliament Members. Their purpose is clearly that of hiding the truth and obstructing justice. These people were received at the Hanover airport by the brother of Fatjon Skenderi, and then have gone to meet him”, Doshi writes.
“My request is to secure the footage of the Hanover airport and prove how the people of Ilir Meta have worked to hide the truth. I am certain that government structures have tried and are still trying to hide the truth and obstruct justce. The evidence that was made public and showed that Skenderaj has entered the Albanian border twice from Kakavija, when he was wanted by the police”. The MP writes.
Doshi concludes his message with an appeal addressed to the Prosecutors for an international investigation of this case.
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