Donald Trump declared “Citizen of Honor” by the Kamza Municipality

23/11/2016 00:00

The President elect of the USA has not entered the White house yet, but
an Albanian municipality has awarded him with the “Citizen of Honor”

This decision was taken by the Municipal Council of the Kamza Municipality this Tuesday, with the motivation: “A revolutionary model of the new democratic order, expert in economy, a negotiator in foreign policy, a sharp communicator with the people and leader of modern times”.

The Kamza Mayor not only announced this decision on his social page, but he also wrote a small bio of Donald Trump:

“In 2016 he was declared President of all Americans, breaking any voters’ record as a revolutionary model of the new democratic order around the world”, the bio says.

“Trump promised to work even with those who didn’t support him, for uniting the country. His campaign was a huge movement by people who want the best for their families, a movement that involved all races, all genders, all religions, for making America great again”, the bio continues.

“Despite the media’s request for him to withdraw from the race, he never gave up and didn’t disappoint his supporters, because he was able to change the direct communication forms with his citizens. Trump underlined that he would take care of issues such as violence in the USA, economy, immigration, trade, terrorism. His plans will put America and the US interests first, reevaluating the geopolitical international relations for the best of everyone”, the announcement concludes.

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