The US Ambassador in Tirana, Donald Lu, explained in an interview for
“Java”, a weekly magazine, why he was direct with his declarations and
if this means a change in the US policy towards Albania, or simply a
consequence of the fact that corruption and the problems in Albania are
so many that Lu cannot stay anymore silent.
“This is not a change of the US policy. This is a concrete support of the December commitment for decriminalizing the Parliament, for which both parties agreed. We have studied the criminal records for the candidates of these local elections. We have shared this information with the party leaders, made requests for them to undertake actions. They have removed some of these names from the lists and we hope they will remove more”, Donald Lu declared.
Will the US Embassy make these names public? Donald Lu gives this answer:
“I believe that the voters have the right to know about the criminal records of their political candidates. By using public available information, the political parties, the media and civil society should inveestigate the criminal past of the candidates and share this information with the voters. This cannot be done by foreigners for them. I would add that the difficult task of removing criminals from politics is a responsibility of the Albanian democratic institutions, but they cannot rely on the US for help. It was the Socialist Party the one that removed Tom Doshi. It is your Prosecutor General the one who raised criminal accusations against Tom Doshi and Mark Frroku. It was the Albanian political leaders those who have removed politicians with criminal records from the list. Certainly, they were the ones who placed those names. The Albanian institutions have progressed. I am certain that the media, the local civil society and political parties will give this information in public”, Lu declared.
When asked by the Chief Editor of “Java”, Skender Minxhozi, about how Prime Minister Rama has worked so far, Lu declared that only the Albanian people can answer to this question and foreign guests should avoid it. Words are silver, but silence is gold, according to the Ambassador. He gave the same answer when asked about the performance of the opposition leader, Lulzim Basha.
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