Domestic consumption shrinking; almost half of the revenue goes to food, purchases anyway declining

30/03/2022 21:31

The prices’ crisis is shrinking consumption in ALbania. Citizens say they are buying less and focusing more on food alone, due to rising of living costs.

Traders complain about declining purchasing power even though they acknowledge that prices are almost unaffordable for consumers.

“Cooking oil has gone up. Vegetables, fruits. Basic products are growing. We used to get 3, now we will get 2 “, said a buyer.

“All prices have risen, starting with cheese, cottage cheese, flour, sugar, they have all risen. We feel it, but can’t do anything about it. We have left nor the other articles, we are only buying food”, said another shopper.

“Prices are a bit high. We attain them with difficulty, because we also have the problem of medicines to pay”, said another shoppe.

One trader agreed: “Prices have risen a lot, almost all, especially vegetables and there are no buyers at all. Tomatoes, peppers very expensive. There are no people buying, they asking for the prices and run away, ‘Too expensive’ they say.”

Economics experts explain that the decline in consumption in this period of crisis is inevitable and the effects on the economy are expected to be long-term.

“Reducing consumption means market demand is lower. The contraction of the quantity that the companies will produce can lead to the reduction of jobs, which again leads to the contraction of the family income and again to the decrease of the purchasing power “, stated ominously economy expert Teuta Nunaj.

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