Dom Ernest Simoni, mass at the Basilica of Florence

08/12/2016 00:00

One of the most important days for catholic devotees is that of
Immaculate Conception. In one of the most important basilica, Cardinal
Giuseppe Betore chose the Albanian Cardinal, Ernest Simoni, to hold the

“It is very important for us to honor those who have witnessed their religious with so many sacrifices. With his presence, we also have a calling for our self, to testify our faith in a time when religious faith goes even against the flow”, Betori said.

For Cardinal Ernest Simoni, this is an honor not only for him, but for all Albania.

“This invitation was since the beginning, before I was appointed cardinal, made with the great love that the cardinal of Florence has for the Albanian people”, said Dom Simoni.

Sometimes, small sportive activities or artworks, or an Albanian cardinal holding a mass, are enough for Albania to be mentioned longer.

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