Two Korce hospital doctors have been arrested for abusing with their
profession to take money from citizens in need for medical help.
The police has arrested the two doctors on the act, now charged with corruption: Nikolla Nunka, 59, surgeon at the Korce civil hospital, and Ismail Uzuni, 61, resident of Pogradec, reanimator at the Korce Hispital.
Their arrest was made after a 2-month-long investigation, and now the materials have gone to the Prosecution for passive corruption. The case was about a citizen who needed an operation, and the doctors asked him 20.000 ALL in exchange.
This is the first case of arrest, although patients have often declared that they have been asked to pay in exchange.
The suspects deny the charges, saying that the patient gave them money on their own will and that they didn’t request it.
They claimed that after operating a citizen, one family member has put 5000 ALL on their pockets as sign of gratitude, after the operation was successful. The police declared that the arrest was made after 2 months, and during this time they have also documented other cases.
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