Doctors and pharmacist abusers discovered

23/07/2014 00:00

One day after the Prime Minister declared to punish any doctor that
gives abusive prescriptions for his patients, by giving expensive
medicaments and addressing patients to a pharmacy that has ties with him
the Health Minister, Ilir Beqaj, has reported some doctors at the
Tirana Health Center no.4, and the Health Center no.1 of Shkoza, by
giving only their initials.

“There is a doctor with the initials E.N who works at the Health Center no.4. In 55% of the cases he has prescribed only the most expensive alternative. The 94% of these prescriptions are addressed to the NEK pharmacy. A doctor with the initials B.T in Shkoze has sent all of his receipts at the pharmacy Geni & Lori, although Shkoze has 10 pharmacies. We are doing this so that you start putting things in order by yourselves. The information is there and no one can evade it”, declared the Health Minister, Ilir Beqaj.

The Health Minister added that this announcement was only for Tirana, but the monitoring is being done throughout the entire country.

“No one will be allowed to abuse with overdoses or addressing to expensive medicaments”, the Health Minister declared.

The Director of the Health Insurance Fund, Astrit Beci, made criminal reports for six cases, in which patients were part of the abuse.

“Two doctors, one in Bathore and one in Paskuqan, in cooperation with their patients, were sent at the Prosecution with a report for falsification and abuses. Doctors and patients took expensive materials and shared the money through each other, removing this way the right to treatment of another patient. We have reports in Prosecution about one Insurance Institution Director, one hospital director, one wholesale pharmacy, and one doctor in Ballsh. These are the six cases reported at the Prosecution by the Fund”, Astrit Beci declared.

In most of the cases, the medicament is changed by doctors, who change the bar codes. These violations have also been reported, because they force patients to buy more expensive medicaments.

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