Director and dozens of officers at the Morina border crossing arrested for corruption

08/04/2022 21:12

By order of the special prosecution SPAK, 17 police officers at the Morina border crossing in Kukës, in northern Albania were arrested, another 14 were placed under house arrest and 3 were suspended from duty.

The action was done in coordination with the Kosovo prosecution.

SPAK announces that an investigation had been launched against them since November 2020 for passive corruption of persons exercising public functions. The investigation identified 312 cases of corruption such as smuggling of excise goods, and aiding and abetting illegal border crossings.

The border police officers have been kept under surveillance for a long period of time during which numerous corruption cases have been ascertained, such as inducing Albanian and foreign citizens to pay different amounts of money for the illegal passage from Albania to Kosovo and vice versa. They have also carried out fictitious registrations for entry and exit into Albanian territory; as well as helping other persons who had problems with the law, to cross without registering in the TIMS system, as their travel to Kosovo was not allowed or vice versa.

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