Dibra’s 2016 local elections are more about next year’s central ones

27/08/2016 00:00

The opposition organized this Friday the electoral campaign meeting for
the early elections of the Diber Municipality. The huge presence of the
DP leadership shows that a positive result in Diber would be a
prediction for the elections of 2017.

DP Banners all over the town don’t reflect the fact they are in opposition, while the city’s main boulevard is under construction by the current government.

The “Azem Hajdari” group is also present, as the persons who are supposed to guard the vote on September 11th. Among them is the former Mayor, Ilir Krosi, who lost last year against Shukri Xhelili.

“It was a right of the Dibra citizen to vote once again after their municipality was taken through government pressure one year ago”, Krosi said.

Sherefedin Shehu arrives a few minutes before the meeting. He says for Top Channel that he is thrilled to return to his birthplace from Tirana. To the critics that he has returned a bit too late, he answered that now he is formally a resident of Peshkopia.

Same as Edi Rama a few days ago, Lulzim Basha chose to walk in the city center.

“I have arrived in Dibra full of emotions. We will end this evil and will start a new era for all Albanians”, he said.

He chose to mention the rest in the meeting. While police had not blocked the traffic for the passage of the Democratic Party, their private security took care of that.

The hot weather forced men to hold short speeches. Basha spoke most than anyone, maybe as a challenge against Edi Rama. Rama spoke for 20 minutes, Basha for 40.

Basha also avoided to mention Shukri Xhelili, who caused these early elections. The opposition, same as the majority, seems more concerned about the national message rather than for Dibra.

Besnik Mustafaj was also seen. He returned after many years to take care of the Dibra campaign. But what was his role?

“My role is that of the democrat. Basha has always invited me but I chose today to come on my own”, Mustafaj said.

Does this mean that he would return to politics? “Until the next elections there is time to think about it”, Mustafaj said.

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