Dibra elections, Basha: “Drug cartel, crime and corruption won today”

12/09/2016 00:00

After losing the Dibra municipality elections, the Democratic Party
leader, Lulzim Basha, said in a press release that the honest citizens
of Dibra faced the cartel of drugs, crime and corruption, and that the
political process was completely ruined.

“It was not a political party that lost today in Dibra, but all of Albania. The poor people who were seduced by the drug money. The only ones who won were the cartel of drugs and crime clients of Edi Rama”, Basha said.

The DP leader said his party did their best in these elections, by choosing the right candidate:

“I understand those who elected the bad one. I promise that we will fight for their freedom too, so that their lives do not depend anymore from politics. We did our best in these elections by choosing the right candidate. A man from Dibra, Sherefedin Shehu, who I want to thank now. We held a decent campaign and I want to thank everyone who supported us”, Basha declared.

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