Dhimitri: Tirana infrastructure, improved

21/04/2011 21:45

Albana Dhimitri, Vice Mayor of Tirana Municipality, noted the
achievements of this municipality during the three mandates of Edi Rama.

“There has been a radical transformation of the nurseries. There are no more nurseries with humidity, and now they have a qualified staff. The infrastructure of the kindergartens and schools has also been improved”, Dhimitri declared on Top Channel’s “Top Story”.

“The hand of the municipality has been felt from the center to the suburbs. Tirana has many centers today, like “Garibaldi” in Kombinat, “Strauss”, “Wilson”, “Ataturk”, etc. This was promised in 2007 by the Municipality and this promise has been kept”, said the vice mayor of the Tirana Municipality.

As for the city’s regulatory plan, Dhimitri declared that the Municipality has done its “homework”: “The city development plan was placed over the Tirana Regulatory Plan. The Regulatory plan, presented by the Municipality, was approved in December 2008. We have done our job in this aspect. I don’t know why this plan has not been implemented.”

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