Destruction of Vlora’s lungs, indiscriminate tree cutting in the Soda forest

12/06/2020 15:27

Although the Soda Forest in Vlora has a new tourist road and as it seems in its interior the we find “greenery and fresh air” in the fullest meaning, in reality this forest cannot breathe because of human waste and exploitation.

In this space you can see endless building waste and whole piles of collapsed pine trees as a result of natural phenomena, but also by the human hand.

Traces of neglect and abuse in this forest are clearly visible. Protection and management by the state agencies seem to be neglected for a long time.

The lack of a legal plan for the tree cutting periods incites indiscriminate cutting by inhabitants living inside or near the forest, and there is no legal punishment for such violations.

Vlora environmental specialist Simo Ribaj says that the cause of this situation is the irresponsibility of citizens and neglect of local government.

This forest planted by the residents themselves 60 years ago, must be protected as it is considered as the lung Vlora.

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