Destruction of chemical weapons

01/11/2013 00:00

Several international media outlets have reported that Albania is among
the few  countries that are most likely to take the Syrian Chemical
weapons for the process of destroying them, but that has not been
confirmed by Albanian or American governments. However, the first
obstacle for this procedure is the Albanian Waste Law itself.

The new government amended it on October of this year, and article 48 has completely forbidden the import of dangerous materials in the Albanian territory.

An environment specialist, Zamir Dedej, says that the chemical weapons are dangerous wastes, without any doubt.

“Being in a treaty as that of NATO there could be legal spaces which treat these problems, but the Albanian law and the amends made on October 2013, strictly forbid the import of dangerous materials and that’s what are these weapons coming from Syria”, Dedej declared.

If Albania is in the list of countries chosen by the United States, the question remains if our country has the capacities to do this, considering the fact that international organizations have frequently made remarks about Albania’s ability to preserve military waste.

“Certainly that a country with the military abilities of the United States, they have all the necessary practices. But the problem here, especially from the civil society, raises huge questions about the ability to control and monitor all these processes. Because we don’t have the human and technological capacities to guard these weapons as we should”, Dedej declared.

The foreign media declared that Norway, Belgium and Albania are the main candidate countries, but Norway has rejected it by quoting some time limitations and international rules, as the obstacle for their involvement. The United States State Department has released no official comment over this issue.

It is not the first time that our country destroys chemical weapons. In 2007, Albania was the first country in the world that eliminated all its chemical weapons, and they were more than 16 tons of mustard gas and other toxic agents.

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