25 years after the distribution of lands to farmers, through law 7501, half of the properties have not been registered fully at the Registrar’s Office.
“400.000 parcels were given to farmers, and only half of them are registered as real estate”, said the Minister of Agriculture, Ermira Gjeci.
9000 other farmers are facing problems with the right to exploit the lands. To give a solution to this issue, the majority has approved the draft-laws proposed by MP Erion Brace, which facilitate the procedures for the families that want to use the lands.
The former Minister of Agriculture, Edmond Panariti, said that the case needs special attention and the initiative should be well-thought, as this could generate to numerous conflicts.
The two laws allow farmers to have changed their residences during the 90s, to receive the right to use the lands. The deadline for verifying the agricultural lands was postponed to 2019.
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