Democratic Party lists five conditions before Elections 2017

16/01/2017 00:00

As expected, the opposition has imposed the elections 2017 as a
condition for their presence in Parliament. Their Parliamentary Group
leader, Edi Paloka, listed five conditions signed by 20 parties of the

  1. The opposition wants electronic voting, electronic ballot count and a biometric identification of voters, with a new system throughout the country.
  2. The Democratic Party want a thorough implementation of the decriminalization law, to remove gangs and criminal elements from the electoral reform on Election Day.
  3. The DP want a lower campaign cost, by reducing spending, by increasing transparency for financial sources and by implementing harsher punishment, by even considering vote-purchase a serious crime.
  4. Stopping human resources of the public administration from being used for campaign.
  5. Quick access to the media, and media coverage of the electoral ads.

“Nothig is more essential than guaranteeing free and fair votes, and bringing back citizens’ trust”, Paloka said. 

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